Collection Of The Medical Wastes

Our company carries out its activities based on the regulations which were published on the Official Gazette (date: 20.05.1993, no: 21586) in addition to the Medical Waste Control Regulations that state the related rules about who can carry out such activities in what way, in scope of the technical and administrative principles to follow during the regular storage processes as well as the processes of collecting the medical wastes, transportation, temporary storage, recovery and transportation to their final destruction area to incinerate.
We contribute to the environmental health by carrying the medical wastes to the waste centers determined by the administrative seats by fulfilling all health conditions.

Moreover, we offer services to design and implement every kind of small scale or large scale medical waste disposal systems.

The clinical wastes can carry many dangerous viruses mainly including the Hepatitis B, and therefore they must be individually processed, specially collected, transported and disposed by being separated from other wastes to prevent any harmful effect against the health personnel, public health and environment.